Creative Arts

Refers to participation in a range of activities that allow for creative and imaginative expression, such as music, art, creative movement, and drama. The creative arts engage children's minds, bodies, and senses. ... The creative arts provide ways for young children to learn and use skills in other domains.

Arts at Scholars Global School are taught to instil awareness and provide exposure to traditional and contemporary art forms, as well as enable students to progressively discover their passions in a specific genre. Creativity and imagination, as well as critical enquiry and finding innovative means of communicating our thoughts – all are skills which are best inculcated and explored through a robust arts curriculum.

Visual Art

Art education is introduced as a compulsory subject from Pre-Nursery to grade V To nurture and promote creativity in children. In middle school, it is offered as an option for taking the talented to next level of their ability.

The aim in classes is to develop a child's aesthetic judgement of different types of art in the form of sketching, painting, craftwork etc.


It is well recognized that music can help to develop the skills, attitudes and attributes that can support learning in other subjects as well. This includes listening skills, the ability to concentrate, creativity, intuitions, aesthetic sensitivity, perseverance, the ability to work in a group, self-confidence and sensitivity towards others. Music also aids in memory, which is why singing nursery rhymes and action songs are particularly good for a child's early development.

At Scholars, Music classes help in enhancing memory, language development and respecting Indian culture.

Music is the fabric of our society, and music can shape abilities, character and greatly contribute to children’s intellectual development and ability to cope with anxiety. Music is relaxing and students can fight stress by learning to play music.

Musical instruments teach discipline as students have to set time aside to practice and rise to the challenge of learning with discipline to master playing their instrument. They develop self-confidence and enhance their communication skills. Students learn harmonium, congo, tabla and keyboard synthesizer in their music classes.

Many musical programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra. In these groups, students learn how to work together and build camaraderie. Scholarites have won several awards at various forums.


Dance is a holistic activity for the mind, body and the soul. It aligns all these, and the learners are then more aware of their strengths and weaknesses giving them an opportunity to identify them and work on them.

Dance classes help students who are generally introverts to use this platform to express themselves and to reflect their personality positively.

Scholarites learn to dance, engage in physical activity and also experience something that highlights their spirit. Each class targets skilful progression to improve fitness levels, confidence, focus, concentration, team spirit, positive thinking, discipline, all-round development, posture and body.

Good music, good dancing is a great way to be in a happy state of mind. The teaching pattern is interactive and communicative ensuring that the learning process is fun and stress-free.

Dance classes are very popular amongst boys too.


Theatre is one of the most sought after art forms at Scholars. Through this medium Scholarites become engaged in their own learning, drawn in by the immediacy and power of the live theatre that is presented by skilled teachers; the relevance and realism of the content resonate in the minds of students even after the class is over. It challenges perceptions, changes attitudes & behaviour.

By using drama as a learning tool, we want students to add purpose and value to their creativity and find their own unique ways to discover the answers for themselves. Working in this way ultimately improves self-esteem, motivation and achievement.

Specialized Workshops

Film Making, Photography and digital editing are taken up as short duration workshops during summer vacations or as after-school programs. We also introduce programs in animation and VFX and digital arts as short-term courses for interested students.

"The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.~ Ray Kroc "